Conservatory Sails After-care Tip – When it comes to purchasing your conservatory shade sails, provided by us at , you know you are getting uniquely designed products with patented engineering , quality fabrics and production using the highest degree of craftsmanship – after all even our stitching patterns were designed by a lecturer at London’s Collage of Design & Fashion . What might not be so obvious is that our products are designed to be washed in a domestic washing machine.
Washing actually helps maintain your conservatory shades sails shape and keeps them looking fresh.
To wash you conservatory shade sails provided us simply follow these tips and instructions:
1. Take a quick snap shot on your phone of the sails before removing to be washed – This can then be used to help you remember which sail went were when you put them back up.
2. Remove the nylon rods (if you have our patented No-Drill fixings) from their pockets and place in a safe place. If you have our stainless steel screw fixing remove these from the sails before placing in the washing machine.
3. Do Not over cram the sail as this will affect the wash.
4. Do Not place the wash on a high spin rate as this may leave your conservatory sails looking creased when they come out. – If this happens don’t worry……….you can easily rectify this by wetting them again.
5. Do Not put your sails through the tumble dryer process as this can again crease or damage the fabric.
6. After a gentle spin remove your conservatory sails from your washing machine and hang in warm place away from direct sunlight. Exposed direct sunlight can hasten the fabrics colour fade. Due to the fabrics construction your will probably find your sails are dry within the hour.
7. Once your sails are dry simple replace the nylon rods back into the specially designed pockets (if you have the No-Drill fixings), alternatively hook on the stainless S-Hooks or carbines.
8. Using the photo you took earlier to remind you which sail goes where, slide in the nylon rod areas in to the adhesive channels – ‘Ensure you pinch the fabric tight so not to catch it on the channel edging’. Or clip / hook on to the stainless steel fixing to the D-plates. Once these are attached pull the tips up to the apex area and attach.
For further details of our washing instructions go to: